February 5 | 11:30-12:00 | Smart Building Conference 2018 | Residential Track, Room E102
Where WiFi is Heading
Session Location
E 102

The father of Wi-Fi and the man who led the team that created and popularized Wi-Fi has some controversial and interesting insights to share. The best for Wi-Fi is yet to come, but it is important to look at the broader context to understand the relevance and the timing of all its new varieties.

  • What do customers really care about? Customers do not really care about technologies–whether Wi-Fi or 4G/5G. Reliable connection is what counts: uninterrupted video, the clicking on a website and getting an immediate response.
  • Infra-structure will be key, and this infrastructure will become distributed (mesh). This infra-structure will naturally pave the way for .11ax, .11ad and .11ay (one pod-per-room access). It will also support IoT: low-power Wi-Fi (Halo), ZigBee, Thread and other technologies will be pulled into the same infra-structure.
  • What will the future architecture for wireless indoor be, which communication technologies will prevail and how the IoT will impact our lives.
GM Wireless Connectivity Business Unit